2024 Quarknet Workshop

Berkeley Lab hosts 2024 ‘Physics in and Through Cosmology’ Workshop for high school teachers and students

Marsha Fenner — 9 August 2024

Berkeley Lab's Physics Division hosted its eighteenth annual QuarkNet Physics in and Through Cosmology Workshop on July 8-12. Eight Bay Area high school physics teachers and 37 students attended.

Group photo of the 2024 Physics in and Through Cosmology Workshop participants.

This year's week-long in-person-only event featured a broad overview of cutting-edge research in particle physics and cosmology with presentations and active work sessions with Berkeley Lab scientists on subjects such as the Standard Model of particle physics, neutrinos, quantum physics, dark matter, AI/ML, and pixel detectors.

Highlights of the program included a drop-in visit by Nobel Laureate Saul Perlmutter, tours of the ALS (Advanced Light Source) and ATLAS labs, and a round table panel discussion with scientists on the last day.

The workshop is designed to create a vibrant learning community that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion for Physics teachers and highly motivated high school students with an interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). “The program is also an excellent opportunity for lab scientists to share their knowledge and enthusiasm for research with bright and inquisitive high school students,” said workshop designer/co-organizer and Berkeley Lab Physics Division Deputy Tony Spadafora.

Students work with pixel detectors.

Special thanks to Workshop Coordinator Laurie Kerrigan, a retired high school physics teacher and one of this workshop’s original designers, who has co-organized this workshop with Spadafora since it was launched in 2006.

Berkeley Lab postdoctoral fellow Anne Fortman shows students around the ATLAS labs.
Nobel Laureate Saul Perlmutter “zoomed in” for a Q&A session with the participants, with Tony Spadafora, Berkeley Lab Physics Division Deputy, at the podium.
Berkeley Lab postdoctoral fellow Maria Mironova presents: Discovering Invisible: Pixel Detectors in Particle Physics.
Berkeley Lab postdoctoral fellow Giacomo Marocco presenting: Quantum Measurements of the Invisible.